Year 3 - Considerate Chameleons
- Welcome to Considerate Chameleons
- Class Newsletters
- Class Curriculum
- Look at us learning!
- Homework Activities
Welcome to Considerate Chameleons
In year 3, our teacher is Miss Gatling, Mrs Tyler (Tuesdays) supported by Miss T and Miss C.
In Year 3 we continue to learn about 6 different themes, take part in lots of trips and outdoor learning and even learn a new musical instrument. Each term we have a new theme which is taught about in our history, geography, art, DT and music. We also learn about a new science topic, RE, computing, PSHE and PD each term. In year 3 we will continue to practise all of our 9 habits and help others to improve with these. Each term we will write about a new book and publish our work onto our Best Work Ever wall.
Our PE days in year 3 are Mondays and Fridays.
Miss Gatling
Mrs Tyler
Miss T
Miss C
Class Newsletters
Class Curriculum
Here is an overview of what books we will be looking at in each term and what our topic question will be in those terms.
Autumn Terms |
Spring Terms |
Summer Terms |
Term 1 Who am I? Who am I becoming? Jemmy Button by Jennifer Uman The reflection in me by Carl Colagiovanni Term 2 Citizenship and the World George's Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl
Term 3 Heritage and Culture Leon and the place between by Angela Mcallister Term 4 Building a sustainable world The secret of black rock by Joe Todd Stanton Tin Forest by Helen Ward |
Term 5 Building an inclusive world Into the forest by Anthony Browne The proudest Blue by Ibtihaj Muhammad
Term 6 The Blue Umbrella short film Noah Barley Water runs away by John Boyne |
Look at us learning!
Year 3 had their first visit to Watercress Farm at Belmont Estate which is a Re-Wildering project. We will be going 3 times throughout year 3 to see the wildlife, explore through play and understand how the re-wilding project works. We even had a chance to pet the pigs, make a campfire snack and splash in the river.
Year 3 went to The SS Great Britain on Thursday 24th October. This linked with our term 1 history learning, I wonder how Bristol has changed overtime? We explored The SS Great Britain, learnt more about Isambard Kingdom Brunel and even got to go back in time and celebrate the launch of The SS Great Britain. We enjoyed looking at what life was link on board the ship and understanding more about what Brunel achieved.
Homework Activities
We would love you to read for 10 minutes a day at home with your child. If your child read's 5 times at home in a week they can spend some time with guinea pigs or rabbits.
Record all Home Learning in your Reading Record Diary.
Times Tables
Every Friday, children will be tested in school on their times tables. Children should spend 5 to 10 minutes each night on Times Tables Rockstars or Sumdog. On Friday, children will receive a score out of 25 which will be recorded in reading diaries for parents to see. Please ensure Reading diaries are brought into school daily.
We now use Spelling shed for our spellings. Your child should be encouraged to spend 5 to 10 minutes on Spelling shed. Your child will be tested on the spellings that they have practiced that week. The link for spelling shed is
Home Work Challenges
Each week on a Monday your child will be set a maths, SPAG and times tables challenges on showbie, as well as maths challenges on sumdog. We encourage every child to go at each challenge by Friday each week.