Year 4 - Honest Hippos
- Welcome to Honest Hippos!
- Class Newsletter
- Class Curriculum
- Look at us learn!
- Our Outdoor Learning
- Homework Activities
Welcome to Honest Hippos!
In year 4, our teacher is Miss Price-Griffiths supported by Miss Williams. We are going to have a great time together!
We are going to enjoy so many different things this year from learning about Ancient Greece to understanding where our water comes from! We will be exploring the world we live in now and what has come before us. We will encourage each other to be the best we can be and have a lot of fun doing it!
We can't wait to get started.
Miss Price-Griffiths
Miss Williams
Class Newsletter
Each term there will be a class newsletter uploaded to this section.
This will tell you all about what we are learning about, when our PE days are and what books we will be reading.
Here is our Term 1 Newsletter
Here is our Term 2 Newsletter
Here is our Term 3 Newsletter
Class Curriculum
Here is an overview of what books we will be looking at in each term and what our topic will be in those terms.
Term 1 |
Term 2 |
Term 3 | Term 4 | Term 5 | Term 6 |
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Beautifully different, wonderfully the same
Lion in Paris Moon Man |
The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane
The Iron Man
Flood The Lost Flood |
Who am I? Who I am becoming? | Citizenship and the World | Heritage and culture | Building a sustainable world | Building an inclusive world | Showasis |
Look at us learn!
This term, we have been looking at the theme: Who am i and who am i becoming?
In our history, we have been learning about how the railway systems have changed over time in the UK. Linking to this, we also explored the history of the mines in the UK. The children have been really interested about what life was really like for the miners.
In our Geography, we have been looking at the country Mozambique and how it compares to our country. In comparison, we identified that Mozambique has a tropical climate whereas England has a temperate climate. We also learnt about the 9 regions in the UK.
In science this term, it's all about the digestion process and food chains! We have learnt about all the different types of teeth, body parts within the digestive system and their functions and about consumers and producers!
Our Outdoor Learning
Homework Activities
There are many things you can do at home to help your child with their learning.
First of all, we would love you to read for 10 minutes a day at home with your child. This can be them reading to you or you reading to them. Choose a favourite book or use a book from school. Please record this in your blue reading diary. Children who read 4 times at home in a week will earn themselves 5 raffle tickets!
We would also like your children to practice their times tables at home each day. We would recommend using Times Tables Rock Stars to do this as your child already has an account through school. 10 minutes a day will support them in learning their times tables. Children who practice at home for 40 minutes each week will get to spend time with our Bank Leaze bunnies: Rocky, Star and Multi! Click here to head to TTRS.
Every child at Bank Leaze also has a Sumdog login. This will help them practice all the maths skills that they need to be successful in their year group. Click here to head to: Sumdog.
Times Tables and Spelling tests:
Every Friday, children will be tested in school on Arithmetic and spellings. Spellings will be sent home termly, put on the website and set on Showbie. Arithmetic practice will be set on TT rockstars and Sumdog weekly. On Friday, children will receive a score out of 10 which will be recorded in reading diaries for parents to see. Please ensure Reading diaries are brought into school daily.